Youth Leadership Council

Youth Leadership Council St. Louis Area Gun Violence Events
With funding provided by ReCast, the Youth Violence Prevention Commission and the Youth Violence Prevention Partnership, youth 15 years and older are invited to become a member of The National Youth Leadership Council and/or to participate in this summer’s youth violence prevention initiative. Members of the Council will advise the NYS Leadership Team on the formation of the world conference, speakers, issues that impact their lives, and solutions to problems prevalent in their lives. Any current high school or college student interested in shaping educational laws and policies are welcome to join.
National meetings will be held virtually with a goal to have an annual physical gathering.
This summer, YLC members in the St. Louis metropolitan area are invited to participate in weekly events to help curb gun violence. As one of the most violent cities in America, YLC members will engage in positive activities with youth from across the region. Beginning in July 2021, youth 15 years and older will have an opportunity to:
- Hone their leadership skills via work with area leaders
- Work with trauma-informed psychologists and therapists to address the trauma of loss and exposure to gun violence
- Learn project management skills through work with an app developer
- Help develop an app that will direct youth to safe places, youth agencies, and tools to deal with personal issues and trauma
- Take ownership of the city by cleaning neglected and vacant lots while listening to the beats of DJ Tril, DJ Charlie Chan, DJ BabyO
- Help design the St. Louis Peace Bus, and write your story for display inside
Meeting dates are:
• Wednesday August 4 Orientation
• Monday August 9 NLT Training
• Wednesday August 11 NLT Training
• Saturday August 14 *NLT Training / Trauma-Informed Therapy
• Tuesday August 17 Community Presentation
• Saturday August 21 *Trauma-Informed Therapy
• Monday August 23 NLT Training
• Wednesday August 25 NLT Training
• Saturday August 28 *Leadership Retreat/ Trauma-Informed Therapy
• Saturday September 4 *Trauma-Informed Therapy
• Wednesday September 8 NLT Training
• Saturday September 11 Leadership Retreat
Meeting location is:
The initial point of location for each meeting/work site will be at The Urban League, 1400 N. Kingshighway, 2nd Floor.
To participate in these powerful events, please click below. To apply for one of a very limited part-time, paid position ending September 11th, please send an email to: [email protected]