Debate Centered Instruction Virtual Summer Institute

Debate Centered Instruction (DCI) is a proven pedagogical technique for engaging students in the thrill of learning. It is highly recommended by teachers who have used it. Recognizing the power of DCI to teach middle and high school students all subjects, particularly in Title 1 schools, The National Youth Summit on Education, Justice, and Leadership opens Phase I of its 2021 World Conference with the Debate Centered Instruction Virtual Summer Institute, July 13th-15th, 2021.
Instructors include Stephen Fitzpatrick, an experienced practitioner of DCI who teaches history and coaches debate in New York, and Les Lynn and Mike Wasserman who are two education innovators featured in the new book by Robert Litan, Brookings Institute Nonresident Senior Scholar, Resolved – Debate Can Revolutionize Education and Help Save Our Democracy. The Institute will offer instruction for up to 60 teachers via Zoom.
You can register now for an initial Zoom webinar on DCI techniques that are especially useful in remote learning and in re-engaging students when they return to classroom. The Zoom seminar will explain the DCI Scholars Program, a three day summer institute and coaching/mentoring program that will assist DCI scholars using debate centered instruction in the classroom throughout the 2021-22 school year. Both the summer institute and the coaching programs will be free of charge for those teachers selected as DCI scholars.